Monday, December 5, 2011

Study Guide

You were given a study guide today! Study it... and our quiz will be on WEDNESDAY! Do not forget the AIMS Group will be here tomorrow.

Asking Questions on the Blog... If you ask a question and I do not respond it is because of one of three reasons...
   1. I didn't get the question.
   2. I plan to respond during the next class.
   3. I don't have an answer. I don't know when the quizes are weeks in advance because things happen. Sometimes it takes us longer to cover information than I expect, or we have a program at school and the periods are shorter or there is a tornado drill whatever. I ALWAYS TELL you WELL ENOUGH IN ADVANCE WHEN WE ARE HAVING A QUIZ. I give you AT LEAST a WEEK EVERY TIME.

I DO NOT have to have a blog. I do it because I WANT TO.... it is not something that is OWED to you. However, if it becomes a problem.. I will take it down.